Crystal Green® Fertilizer

As the most efficient phosphate fertilizer, Crystal Green puts your crops in control of their nutrient uptake and minimizes the loss of phosphorus to soil tie-up, runoff and leaching.
Crystal Green Up Close 18 46 0 , Diammonium Phosphate (dap) Fertilizers In Farmer Hand .

Rethinking Phosphorus

Unlike conventional phosphate fertilizers, Crystal Green responds to crop demand, naturally releasing phosphorus, along with nitrogen and magnesium (5-28-0 with 10% Mg). This unique solubility ensures your crops have access to the nutrients they need during the critical stages of growth and development. By putting crops in control of their nutrition, the efficiency of fertilizer is greatly improved. Even in soils with challenging pH levels, one application of Crystal Green will remain plant available throughout the growing season and reduce the amount of phosphate applied by 25% or more.



Magnesium – Ammonium – Phosphate – Hexahydrate

Cg Analysis Graphic Phosphorus 03

Limited P Availability from Conventional Fertilizers

Soil P Availability With Cg Graph V5 01
  • P Fixation by Calcium (Ca)
  • P Fixation by Aluminum (Al)
  • P Fixation by Iron (Fe)
  • P Fixation from Crystal Green

Get to the Root

Crystal Green releases nutrients in response to organic acids naturally exuded by roots. As these organic acids solubilize Crystal Green, nutrients become over 90% plant available. With ongoing access to phosphorus, driven by crop demand, Crystal Green safely and precisely supplies crops with the nutrients they need to maximize yield and increase ROI.

Crystal Green releases nutrients

Driven by Crop Demand

Crystal Green’s unique organic acid solubility, rather than traditional high-water solubility, optimizes nutrient uptake and reduces nutrient loss to soil tie-up and other environmental factors. When growers choose Crystal Green, they are using a fertilizer that keeps nutrients available to crops all season, reduces application rates and improves the environment.

Let’s Improve Your Nutrient Efficiency

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